Source code for pymc3_models.models

import joblib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc3 as pm
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from pymc3_models.exc import PyMC3ModelsError

[docs]class BayesianModel(BaseEstimator): """ Bayesian model base class """ def __init__(self): self.cached_model = None self.inference_type = None self.num_pred = None self.shared_vars = None self.summary = None self.trace = None
[docs] def create_model(self): raise NotImplementedError
def _set_shared_vars(self, shared_vars): """ Sets theano shared variables for the PyMC3 model. """ for key in shared_vars.keys(): self.shared_vars[key].set_value(shared_vars[key]) def _inference(self, inference_type='advi', inference_args=None, num_advi_sample_draws=10000): """ Calls internal methods for two types of inferences. Raises an error if the inference_type is not supported. Parameters ---------- inference_type : str (defaults to 'advi') specifies which inference method to call Currently, only 'advi' and 'nuts' are supported. inference_args : dict (defaults to None) arguments to be passed to the inference methods Check the PyMC3 docs to see what is permitted. num_advi_sample_draws : int (defaults to 10000) Number of samples to draw from ADVI approximation after it has been fit; not used if inference_type != 'advi' """ if inference_type == 'advi': self._advi_inference(inference_args, num_advi_sample_draws=num_advi_sample_draws) elif inference_type == 'nuts': self._nuts_inference(inference_args) else: raise PyMC3ModelsError('{} is not a supported type of inference'.format(inference_type)) def _advi_inference(self, inference_args, num_advi_sample_draws): """ Runs variational ADVI and then samples from those results. Parameters ---------- inference_args : dict arguments to be passed to the PyMC3 fit method See PyMC3 doc for permissible values. num_advi_sample_draws : int Number of samples to draw from ADVI approximation after it has been fit """ with self.cached_model: inference = pm.ADVI() approx =, **inference_args) self.approx = approx self.trace = approx.sample(draws=num_advi_sample_draws) self.summary = pm.summary(self.trace) self.advi_hist = inference.hist def _nuts_inference(self, inference_args): """ Runs NUTS inference. Parameters ---------- inference_args : dict arguments to be passed to the PyMC3 sample method See PyMC3 doc for permissible values. """ with self.cached_model: step = pm.NUTS() nuts_trace = pm.sample(step=step, **inference_args) self.trace = nuts_trace self.summary = pm.summary(self.trace) def _set_default_inference_args(self): """ Set default values for inference arguments if none are provided, dependent on inference type. ADVI Default Parameters ----------------------- callbacks : list contains a parameter stopping check. n : int (defaults to 200000) number of iterations for ADVI fit NUTS Default Parameters ----------------------- draws : int (defaults to 2000) number of samples to draw """ if self.inference_type == 'advi': inference_args = { 'n': 200000, 'callbacks': [pm.callbacks.CheckParametersConvergence()] } elif self.inference_type == 'nuts': inference_args = { 'draws': 2000 } else: inference_args = None return inference_args
[docs] def fit(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def predict(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def score(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save(self, file_prefix, custom_params=None): """ Saves the trace and custom params to files with the given file_prefix. Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str path and prefix used to identify where to save the trace for this model, e.g. given file_prefix = 'path/to/file/' This will attempt to save to 'path/to/file/trace.pickle'. custom_params : dict (defaults to None) Custom parameters to save """ fileObject = open(file_prefix + 'trace.pickle', 'wb') joblib.dump(self.trace, fileObject) fileObject.close() if custom_params: fileObject = open(file_prefix + 'params.pickle', 'wb') joblib.dump(custom_params, fileObject) fileObject.close()
[docs] def load(self, file_prefix, load_custom_params=False): """ Loads a saved version of the trace, and custom param files with the given file_prefix. Parameters ---------- file_prefix : str path and prefix used to identify where to load the saved trace for this model, e.g. given file_prefix = 'path/to/file/' This will attempt to load 'path/to/file/trace.pickle'. load_custom_params : bool (defaults to False) flag to indicate whether custom parameters should be loaded Returns ---------- custom_params : Dictionary of custom parameters """ self.trace = joblib.load(file_prefix + 'trace.pickle') custom_params = None if load_custom_params: custom_params = joblib.load(file_prefix + 'params.pickle') return custom_params
[docs] def plot_elbo(self): """ Plot the ELBO values after running ADVI minibatch. """ if self.inference_type != 'advi': raise PyMC3ModelsError( 'This method should only be called after calling fit with ADVI minibatch.' ) sns.set_style('white') plt.plot(-self.advi_hist) plt.ylabel('ELBO') plt.xlabel('iteration') sns.despine()